Call History

Find calls easily in DialLink cloud phone system with a complete, searchable history of your calls.

Never miss important details from your calls

Never miss important details from your calls

DialLink provides intuitive search and filtering options across your complete call history, ensuring that you can find key details from any call to seamlessly resume your conversation or pick up where a colleague left off.

Increase employee efficiency with important call metrics right at hand

Increase employee efficiency with important call metrics right at hand

DialLink provides a call history that is clear, complete, and easy to work with. All the critical details — including contact names, phone numbers, call duration, and audio recordings — are right at hand, with no need to toggle between multiple tabs.

Call any phone number in the call history in one click

Call any phone number in the call history in one click

With DialLink, your entire call history is always at your fingertips. Convenient filtering and search options help you find exactly the call you need quickly, and you can dial any number in the call history in a single click.

FAQ about call history

Why do I need call history?

Having a complete call history helps you seamlessly continue conversations with clients, partners, and other business associates, even after a long break, because it enables you to quickly review details of past calls — when each call happened, who called whom, how long the call lasted, and so on.

How can I find a specific call in the call history?

DialLink makes it easy to find the particular call you need by providing both filtering and search. Filters enable you to limit your view to, for example, inbound calls or missed calls only. The search field enables you to instantly hone in on calls that match a specific word or other string you enter.

Can I quickly make a call from the call history?

Yes. With DialLink, you can call any phone number in the call history in one click. Employees will be more efficient and productive, and they’ll never have to worry about dialing the wrong number by mistake.


Get started with DialLink today

Simplify call, text, and contact management with automated call routing,
AI call summaries, and local and international numbers.

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