Warm and Cold Call Transfers

Warm and Cold Call Transfers

DialLink give you the flexibility to transfer calls to other agents in the way that works best for you.

Warm and Cold Call Transfers

Keep your customers happy with cold and warm transfer best practices

It’s inevitable that callers will occasionally be connected to someone who can’t help them — perhaps they picked the wrong option in the IVR menu or their question requires additional expertise. It’s what happens next that distinguishes smart organizations from all the rest. With DialLink, you can quickly and easily hand off a live call to someone with the required expertise, either immediately or after explaining the call’s details to them — demonstrating both your company’s competence and its commitment to customer satisfaction.


Shorten wait times using cold transfer

Immediately transfer a call to a teammate who’s better positioned to help. The cold transfer option works really well when a caller reaches the wrong number or their issue is straightforward; since there are no details to relay to your associate, you can avoid putting the caller on hold.


Provide top-notch service using warm transfer

Use a warm transfer to avoid frustrating a caller by forcing them to explain their problem again to a different agent. This option places the caller on hold while you provide the next agent with all the relevant details; that way, they’re ready to help the customer as soon as they’re connected.

Even more about cold transfer vs. warm transfer

Transfer to external numbers

Transfer to external numbers

Transfer an incoming call to an external number, such as a contact from your contact book, a number listed in your call history, or a number you dial using your keypad, including call queue numbers.

FAQ about warm and cold call transfers

What is the difference between warm transfer and cold transfer?

A call transfer is needed whenever the person who picks up a call determines that it needs to be handled by someone else. The call transfer can be “cold” or “warm”:

  • What is a cold transfer? In a cold transfer (also known as a one-step or blind transfer), the agent transfers the call to the other party without speaking to them first.

  • What is a warm transfer? In a warm transfer (also called a live or hot transfer), the agents talk to each other before the call is transferred, usually to explain the caller’s concern and how urgent it is.

What calls can be transferred, and who can do it?

With DialLink, any user can use the warm transfer and cold transfer options for any call they receive (though of course the desired individual might not be immediately available to accept the transfer).

Can employees transfer calls outside the organization?

Yes, provided they have been granted the appropriate rights by a system administrator.

Can employees transfer calls to a call queue?

Yes, a call can be transferred to a call queue number. In that case, the caller will wait for their turn to connect with the call queue operator.

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